Monday, June 30, 2008
11:28 pm
yoyo people. im back. 4 more days and im officially a 'policeman'. in name only. haha. but okay la. not that bad thou. during the course its like woah. 8-530 and during that you can play psp for 5 frigging hours. woah woah woah. shioks. basically nothing happen much though. dad was admitted to hospital last week due to some blood vesell blockage at the toe which causes his toe to become 1st he doesnt want to go see doctor. but after persistant nagging from me, sis and mum, he went eventually. and there he go, admit to hospital. thank god nothing went wrong and everything goes fine. and now he discharged and now at home. the moaning and stuffs hurts my heart man. i cant imagine that pain. it simply hurts into the heart. oh boy. i would rather be the one taking the pain instead of him please. oh man. im still in a mess. if i were to posted to taiwan for 1year. shall i go? sis says i shall go. dad says i shall go. mum says i shant go. wth? should i go? 1 year man. 1 year, i wouldnt know whats gonna change around me. where my friends all will gonna be. how? my tagboard seems quiet. spam it pls. give some comments~~!
Monday, June 23, 2008
12:00 am
New unit.
heyhey. i'll be reporting to new unit tml. oh gosh. haha. hope everything's gonna be fine. went out with mum and sis today. bought a belt, mag and a new addidas watch. LIKE FINALLY. lol okok. time to lights off. tml gotta go for a run. BYEBYE PEOPLES. Peace out yo! i guess i really walked out of that. all by myself. (: all the best to you, if you happen to read it. you'll be better off without me! pretty nice song to share. 原谅我 by 萧敬腾Jam 请不要分了以後还记得 亲吻过的承诺 你的永久 已不属於我 默默低头 那时我 很多话梗在喉咙 你的笑你的快乐不是我 爱太多想太多 我能感受 他比我适合 爱放了手 我伪装冷漠 比你先说分手 请原谅我 原谅我不成熟 不爱你是藉口 好让你离开我 请原谅我 好想自私将你占有 一个寂寞就给我承受 换你过更好的生活 请不要分了以後还记得 亲吻过的承诺 你的永久 已不属於我 默默低头 那时我 很多话梗在喉咙 你的笑你的快乐不是我 爱太多想太多 我能感受 他比我适合 爱放了手 我伪装冷漠 比你先说分手 请原谅我 原谅我不成熟 不爱你是藉口 好让你离开我 请原谅我 好想自私将你占有 一个寂寞就给我承受 换你过更好的生活 爱过恨过哭过也笑过 亲吻过你的脆弱 其实我比谁都要懦弱 原谅我 必须假装爱错 别让时间倒流 我怕说不出口 原谅我 没有解释太多心痛 别无所求彻底忘了我 爱原来要舍得 我 难过 我 才懂
Friday, June 20, 2008
4:55 pm
oh yes. haahaha.. i have poped like for 2 weeks. and this 2 weeks i have been feeding myself. zomg. lol. okok. 10th june poped le. haha. went dinner with our ORD-ed sgt mr kenny at seoul garden. eat eat eat. lol. pictures do the talkings. ![]() The one in vest is one of my best buddy in BMT. lol but but, hes still a recruit now. LOL! KNOCK IT DOWN RECRUIT LEE. =X see the way they eat things. -_- Mr Kenny Pun. lol. my section commander. ORD LIAO LORH. pink ic show off. Mr KK Pun's creation. food in egg. =.= ehhh... we are not supporters of that shop. just find it nice. the west-side boys. journey back to the west.
lol. 11th June had bbq at another platoon mate's house. ate not much. lol. okay. then stayed over and played like whole night. 12th June went to it show after reaching home at late afternoon. watched the incredible hulk. woah. ironman was involved. haha. slacked for the whole week man. and grew heavier already. hahaha. 19th June went to PS and watch the "Dont Mess With The Zohan" haha. great show man. Scrappy CoCo. Disco Disco Go Go~! went to JE and pooled after that. today. nothing much. slacked at home and wait for my eposting. got in clementi camp as a RP. kinda disappointed. wanted MP instead. haih. haha. nvm.. okies. i guess thats about it. im pretty tired. wanna have an early night. Peace out YO. |