Monday, February 25, 2008
2:34 am
Stress Stress and more stress.
Yoo! lol. its been a long time. okay, not that long. since i ever blogged. oh man. to think of it. im really really damn damn tired and worn out these few days. almost worked everyday. oh boy. kinda sucks. but think of the money. waaaaw. okay. i needa change my fone real soon. heh. okay. let me think. wad should i blog. hmmm. okay. as usual, worked eversince sat and sun. to think that im working tml. gosh. ha. well. yeah. working on saturday was alright. kinda fun.. afterall its almost my 1st month working at there, though some weeks i went MIA. haha. yep. people there were really great. got to learn lots of things and discover things within me. HAHA. well, i found out that i kind off bad at talking. for english. LOL. i dont know leh. kind off like. uh.. i can speak darn well for one moment, and when i stop and take a rest from talking, my english was like, Beng's english and i talked like those who cant really speak english that fluent. OH MY. lol. but afterall i still think i improved in my english. SOMEHOW. as in talking la. hahaha. yeah. sat was suanning and suanning at the people there. though the manager is there, we still suanned and played. but if the boss know. LOL. we are going to be so so dead. yeah. but if get sacked, i think they will need to pay you just like retrenchment? LOL. i donno. but i think im working till really mid march. i needa rest. before i carry on with stuffs like either studies or NS which is likely to be. haha. yeah. so sat passed and to sun. hmm. kinda interesting day. 1st, met with this customer, who speaks hokkien plus english. so, i decided to impress this aunty with my literally good hokkien to communicate with her. LOL. my colleague was kinda stun about me talking to this customer with hokkien when she can speak english. but i think at least make people feel cosy as in someone young can actually talk to you in good hokkien and explain the product to you well. HA. yeah. so in the end, she didnt buy due to the exchanging/redemption of her credit card's gift. ._. haha. 2nd customer, a parent of a 18 years old boy, studying in US, wanted to buy the latest model in our shop. so i brought him around and showed him our latest. well, ok, its the ipod touch. so i actually tell him what is it about and what it has la. then i asked my colleague to demo to him as she is nearer to him. but he indicated me to do the demo. i was like o_o what the heck? then i went to demo. and he explained why he wanted me to demo. cos his son was big-size, bigger than me. so he wanted to know actually big sized people can actually do it. LOL~ okay. then so blah blah blah. i demo-ed to him and he actually showed me the picture of his son. and its really 2 times of me. ~_~ LOL. hahaha. yah. so i carried on to demo everything to him. then he asked for his wife to come and see. so blah blah. i was carried away talking to them explaining to them what the product is and whether he will in need of it anot. so suddenly, his wife turned to me and said,:"You really looked like my son. I feel you as my son." i was like, uh.... im not. hahhahahahahahahha. LOL. so practically they dont believe that im at the age of mine and said that i was younger then his son. kinda happy. just that he said that im prolly 12 years old which im like -_- LOL. ok. i always wanted to be 12 years old. as some knows i act like one. yeah. so on and on. and once again they didnt buy. BUT, will be back again. but to look for me. HAHA! ok. the 3rd one. its a young lady, about my age i guess. cos with the dyed hair and saying laptop for music. at 1st look, i was like, waw, omg kinda cute. so i carried on to promote the ipod to her. my colleague was like. huh? lol. his type. omg no taste. which means that they think that shes neither pretty nor cute la. but im kinda okay, cos i dont go for looks. the way she talks really attract my attention though. LOL. yeah. shes not those darn pretty or cute type. but i admire her character. hahas. okay. so she actually came with her mum and her bro. then her bro went off to cut his hair and her mum left her here in the shop and ask her to decide on which ipod she wants or so. so she was plainly playing with the ipods and stuffs. then she went off and said she will come back later. so about 20minutes later, she came back with her mum and asking her which to buy and so. what i really see of her character by her looks is those guai guai type,fillial and funny type but will get damn hilarious looking laughing over dontknow what stuff is it. so indeed, my eyesight was right. her mum wanted to buy for her, but she offered to pay half of it herself. pretty surprised. cos when your parents offered to buy things for you, you will let them pay the full amount. but shes not. haha. so in the end NEVER BUY again. LOL. yeah. so i actually looked at her again before she left, she actually offered to help her mum to take things, as in plastic bag which her mum bought when she was being left there. i mean, i hardly see girls, initiating to their parents and offer to carry the things for her without the parent asking. thats what she attracted me la. LOL. omgod. LOL. okok. stop stop. haha. yeah. im really not those who goes for looks la. but i didnt get her name as her mum keep calling her ahgirl and she sweetly called her mum MiMi. LOL. yeah. okok. but hope to see her around again. xD rights rights. thats the interesting peoples i have met for sunday. yeps. oh yeah. few of my colleagues is opening their own"shop" as in push cart in bishan soon. i'll be helping them out. so ya. haha. no capital, i offer my strengths. but i dont get it when i brought it up to my parents. they never support on what i do. they always says negatives things which really i got from HIGH TOP and with their comments, my feelings drop straight down to the 18th storey of hell. i dont know why. they either for my own good, OR i dont know. whatever i do is wrong. thats why i've said in my previous posts which is very long ago about giving up everything. yeah. if i dont give up, i gotta stand up and actually do it on my own. but whatever my decision is, i must make sure that it will be save and i will be alright. ya? haha. alrighty. time to slp.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
12:40 am
LOL. i dont know what happened to my computer. but i cant seem to blog just now. but now ok le. haha. just a quick post. to clarify for JO, WANS and Leslie that the post regarding the HER is just a friend of mine. LOL. serious and i swear. LOL. they simply think too much. Les called me up today and he passed to wans and jo and they started to question me after reading my blog. which i was like o_o lol? but i swear they are still in doubt in me! omg. WANS PLEASE EXPLAIN TO THEM. which i dont wan to repeat myself again. lawls. haha. okok. time to head off. gotta work again on WEDNESDAY. hais. ahah. okok. money money~!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
1:00 am
sian, sians and sianza.
just getting bored and bored of life almost everyday. as each day pass. working today is really total slack. the crowd was okay. not that much. but somehow i do enjoy a little. cos i get to walk around, i get to talk, i get to learn things. thats what i enjoy working there too. though there has lotsa to see, but working there is really fruitful. get to learn lotsa of stuffs. actually after working there, i found that mac is really user-friendly. as in its easy to use la. in terms of OS or everything. yeah yeah. its pretty cool. haha. mac air is cool. but the specs is really CMI. i gave up my thought of gettting the air. hahha. yeps yeps. guess today i talked really alot in the shop. cos they talked to me alot. LOL. okok. heh heh. haha. wa.. suddenly.. got.. nothing to blog. hahahah. weird. yeps yeps. okok. im tired. i better head off to where i shld be already. hahaha
Monday, February 18, 2008
12:32 am
Lame weekends.
ohmy ohmy. hahahaha. im so freaking tired la. sian sian and sianzations. saturday din go for work. kinda tired. didnt sleep at all which i dont noe why. maybe certain reasons? haha. at first wanted to go. called the incharge but he didnt pick up or so. so i went back home instead. then slack slack awhile bought rice home for sis and me. then rest awhile and felled asleep. slept till 8pm plus when i got nosied by the irritating event that was held below my blk. got pissed off but still unable to sleep. but im still still tired. then smsed awhile then talked on fone. then still fell asleep due to my sleepyness. slept till about 8plus when i woke up. then prepared myself and went to met her. but expected la, we were both quiet there. she uses her fone and sms while i sit there looking at her sms and drink my water. LOL. hahas then sent her to take bus to her friend's house and i took cab to work. went to work. the people looks surprised to see me. cos they thought i quitted which i didnt. today work sucks. one, too sian. two, so many customer tio kop by colleagues. wa liews. sian sia. lol. haha. even knocked off at 10plus instead of 930. hais. damn sian. really feel like quitting and find a new job. but 1st must find before quitting. if not i will slack. ha. sian. lolx. oh yeah. everybody knows my gheymate Mr.WM got GF le. hahha. his 1st GF ever. Grats~~ our friend-in-law. hes pretty fast as we all was saying. within a week and they got together. and i think they got together on 14feb? which is like, awwww.. how nice. haha. nevertheless, wished them long lasting and give us red bomb real soon. 1hit KO. hahaha. oh man. thinking of that, thats saddens me. thinking that, our next movie trips with peeps, they will be coupled coupled. and im all alone. awww.. lols. that will be SM&YL, WM&GF, JO&KC, EC&BF, W&L and WJ&hisimagineryfriend. hahahaha. oh boy. sad.. hahaha. okoks time to sleep. its gonna be a long day tml as i will be working as requested by myself. oh yeah. 2 songs to recommend. lols. one is from myself,洋蔥 by 楊宗緯Aska. one is polluted from WM's blog and my sis rantings for the song over and over again. but afterawhile, i find it nice. the 1st song which is played on the player. 亲爱的,那不是爱情 by 张韶涵Angela 洋蔥 by 楊宗緯Aska 如果你眼神能 够为我片刻的降临 如果你能听到 心碎的声音 沉默的守护著你 沉默的等奇迹 沉默的让自己 像是空气 大家都吃著聊著笑著 今晚多开心最角落里的我 笑得多合群 盘底的洋葱像我 永远是调味品 偷偷的看著你 偷偷的隐藏著自己 如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会发现 你会讶异 你是我最压抑 最深处的秘密 如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会鼻酸 你会流泪 只要你能听到我 看到我的全心全意.. 听你说你和你的他们 暧昧的空气 我和我的绝望 装得很风趣我 就像一颗洋葱 永远是配角戏 多希望能与你有一秒 专属的剧情.. 如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会发现 你会讶异 你是我最压抑 最深处的秘密 如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会鼻酸 你会流泪 只要你能听到我 看到我的全心全意.. 如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会发现 你会讶异 你是我最压抑 最深处的秘密 如果你愿意一层一层一层的剥开我的心 你会鼻酸 你会流泪 只要你能听到我看到我的全心全意.. 你会鼻酸 你会流泪 只要你能听到我 看到我的全心全意.. 亲爱的,那不是爱情 by 张韶涵Angela 教室里那台风琴叮咚叮咚叮咛 像你告白的声音动作一直很轻 微笑看你送完信转身离开的背影 喜欢你字迹清秀的关心 那温热的牛奶瓶在我手中握紧 有你在的地方我总感觉很窝心 日子像旋转木马在脑海里转不停 出现那些你对我好的场景 你说过牵了手就算约定 但亲爱的那并不是爱情 就像来不及许愿的流星 再怎么美丽也只能是曾经 太美的承诺因为太年轻 但亲爱的那并不是爱情 就像是精灵住错了森林 那爱情错的很透明 那温热的牛奶瓶在我手中握紧 有你在的地方我总感觉很窝心 日子像旋转木马在脑海里转不停 出现那些你对我好的场景 你说过牵了手就算约定 但亲爱的那并不是爱情 就像来不及许愿的流星 再怎么美丽也只能是曾经 太美的承诺因为太年轻 但亲爱的那并不是爱情 就像是精灵住错了森林 那爱情错的很透明 太美的承诺因为太年轻 但亲爱的那并不是爱情 就像是精灵住错了森林 那爱情错的很透明
Friday, February 15, 2008
1:29 pm
oh my oh my. the bugs striked back. omg omg omg. after 2weeks of relax, it striked back. but this time it didnt bite me. its i saw it on my bed which i was like wtfug. it striked back. then i went to all the corners of my bed to clear it away. oh mine. if it were to breed and start attacking me, my hand would be worsen as it already tyco-ed by the previous attack. oh my gosh. zzzzzzzzzzzz. fugging bugs. thank goodness i have cleared them just in time. if not. oh my fugging goodness gracious me. LOL. haha. errrrr. omgosh. i feel the itch now. brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. it wont strike back anymore i guess. if not, i will need to handle them via FIRE. thats what my dad asked me to. alrighty. i feel the itch. goooooooooooooooooodddddddddddnnnnnneeeeeeeessssssss. LOL. eh.. wad i want to say.. hmm.. later ba. i haven been sleeping since like yesterday's evening? omg. haha. be back later.
Monday, February 11, 2008
2:50 am
WOOTS. hahahas. okok. its new year. alrighty. fair enough. its 2.50am right now for me to blog. Eve of new year. apparently, as usual, slept damn damn late at 630am. then woke up super late which is like 11am plus where my mum screams and shouts which i dont get anything on my BLURNESS after wake. felt emo awhile before getting my butt up and start moving things around. clear lots of stuffs, mainly not my stuffs, then prayed and so and so. draggy till about 1plus 2 where i ran out of house to avoid the scoldings from my mum and last minute shopping of my jeans which i didnt buy. not didnt buy i shld buying but was unable to get before CNY. black skinny. -_-. which i have no idea how i will look like in that black skinny. LOL. okays. 1st meet the STAGE thingy of the shirts and etc. talked awhile and started hunting of my jeans at Junction 8. bought 2 of it at 50bucks? lol. due to the 40% discounts blah blah blah. afterthat, took my own sweet time to train home. damn sian of going out alone, but used to it. then.... time to prepare for steamboat and stuffs. about 8 plus where everyone settle and we started to steamboat. LOL. but this year didnt take any photos due to the laziness of me and my sis though my fone can take but i still think the camera sucked like hell and i desprately wan to change it asap end of FEB. so blah blah blah. ate till everybody's stomach was practically fulled. LOL~ dine till about 10 plus and i stopped everything and start moving around the house, digesting my foods etc. and msging people etc etc. LOL. yeah. my daily routine. like one of them replied. ' haa! you never failed to send a message to greet people. here's yours, happy new year.' awww. lol. hahaha. from linette. haha. then slowly i sat infront of comp again and slacked. till about 1150pm, started to call JO's hp for conferencing for countdown, and from the max of 6 person, we made till 8 person. WAW. hahaha. yeah. but the countdown was a failure cos they cut our line away. oh fug. hahaa. then recountdown after recalling. talked a while and then back to msn. and me went to yearly routine to pray. ~_~. and started shou ye-ing till 630am and sleep. 1st Day of new year. haha. due to the sleepyness of me sleeping at 630am, i was only able to wake up at 1130am where the second family came as i heard rubbish and stuffs. LOL. the 1st family who came i didnt even hear anything till the 2nd one. hahaa. overheard that one of the son is getting married this august. and guess what. HE IS THE SAME AGE AS MY SIS. LOL. so i practically laughed my ass off. ahhaha. and so, my granny asked why never bring over blah blah blah. and he say next time then bring. added by him:' but hor, she very swee one. eye big big round round one. very pretty one dont worry.' i was like. WTF? lol? got people say till liddat. i shall open my eyes big big and see if its true. LOL~ Then slacked, eat, and played DS. then 2nd aunt came.. haha. 1st aunt and fam couldnt come due to some bonding which they dont wan to come. as in cant come as they thought we are superstitious or what. but we are not. WE ARE YOUNG AND OPEN MINDED. LOL. then went over to grand aunt's house? i suppose. LOL. they kept dog. and my sis and mum was keep staring at the room's door if its close as the door is inside. LOL. haha. and there is this scene where the dog came out and startled my mum and sis. LOL i wasnt startled by the dog BUT by my sis hitting on my arm.-_- then about evening, called 1st aunt and fam if they want to come out for dinner, and we went to clarke quay to eat the Chen Fu Ji i think. yeah. no pictures once again. as really, the 4 cousins of us busy eating. LAWL. hahaha. yeah... the dinner cost 300 bucks. waw. for 12 people okay. really ex. ha. yeps. then walked around at clarke quay and we saw the happening turkish ice cream. 4 of us ate it. its pretty nice. this time round got pic liao~ hahaha. but upload later inthe day. then slacked infront of the bungee thingy. saw those retarded people playing, its really a waste of money. 50 bucks for 2 seconds of thrill? which will scare the wits out of you. HAHA. then cam-whoring with the couzzies and stuffs. and watched the fire-works display. we didnt know of the fire-works. is i overheard from others in the 7-eleven. lol~ but still manage to watch it. hahaha. shall post the video. then went home and slacked~ the joke among the 4 of us.: ME: so fra and san is 2x yrs old le. when are you getting married after hearing about the son getting marry at your age. exactly the same? THEY: *%)%#()@$@ lame dao yao si* ME: im getting married this feb 31st le leh. you all oso this year hor. okok? lou leh? you oso leh.*GRINS*(cos no more date for them to choose) LOU: Oh! one day before yours. 30th feb. ME: *speechless*bwg. ME: then fra and sand is april 31st and june 31st liao lor. 2,4,6 mahs. THEY: *pengz bth* LOL. i started it. 2nd day of new year. went to mum's side's relative house. last year was my house to host, this year is my 4th aunt's house. haha. okay~ travelled on cab. from clementi to BP. LOL. 10bucks okay~ haha. yeah.. reached there at about 3 plus? then slacked awhile, talked awhile, crap awhile, tio suanned awhile. as usual la. i brought the joke out. they asked if i got GF not, then i said. 'oh yeah yeah! getting married this year feburary 31st.' stunned for amoment.. and realised it to be lame after sometime. LOL~ again, tio suan of me being cold or wad cos i wearing my STAGE hoodie. but its to cover my hand's injury wad. ._. lol. then blah blah blah started to mahjong. 4th uncle took a 10k vietnam dollars and asked me to use it. i was like o_o. lol? then i used it to make my luck. but it stay for my luck for only 1round. won 3bucks at 1st. one whole stack of coins. but but. due to my foul mouth, saying my cousin will take back all at once. and in the end, i lost 60cents. ._. dine there and slacked there. but this year didnt talk much to those kids. cos, all dao me liao. bth. kaos~ hahas. then went home and stuffs. reached home and waited for mum to come home as she stayed there to chat and stuff. then she told me that my uncle, was earning big bucks. and indeed. i saw how much he took from his pocket. really once stack of blue inside with orange colour and my mum says purple too. hes practically earning 10k amonth. oh gosh. 10k. lol. mum told me that he asked my mum want to start a business or wad anot. then i brought up to her that i wan to set a business, selling clothing just like STAGE. shes was like ~_~ who cares. ._. sad. ahahah 3rd day of new year. i actually forgot what happen this date. LOL OH MINE. OH I REMEMBERED. i was practically slping for the whole day till 8pm when i woke up tot of going movie with sis and couzzie fra in the night. 4th day of new year. kena force wake by my mum. LOL. went to pandan's temple in the morning. waw. lol. tons of CBs which i go o_o. omg? sure anot. am i dreaming? LOL hahahah. yeps. then slacked and went to bugis temple. lol. then slacked and went over to orchard cine to meet couzzie fra for movie. went to the basement to get the crepes to fill our muchy mouths. mum paid all~ lol. even the movie tickets. haha. the 4 of us. heh. haha. then went to walk around while waiting for the movie to enter. then went to buy the nachos and stuffs. it was freaking alot of people manszxzx. haha. and its the first time, i caught them without giving us receipt. and as promised, they shld refund us if they didnt issue receipt. but in the end we didnt cos he miscalulate too. so better not to confront him. haha. watched CJ7. omg. darn cool show. practically laughing all the way. and its the 1st show my mum didnt slp during the show. she actually cried at the sad part. LOL. lawls. hahahaa. was crapping with sis about buying car. lol. 19 years old le, time to save up for my lao po ben and my car before 25. xD alrighty pics up later in the afternoon. =D
Thursday, February 07, 2008
3:16 am
LOL~ im so freaking tired. got tons to blog. hmm. maybe tml? lol. ate too much. CNY is a fatten festival. LOL. was conferencing with the peeps just now. LOL. so lame. lol~ okok. shall stop and head to bed. byee pipols. HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
5:29 am
went out for movie with peeps. Sweeny Todd. damn gross show.LOL. ketchups all over. which stopped me somehow for ketchup. for sometime. hmm. one word to describe my feelings right now. FUCK IT. im damn pissed off with myself. i was like, how can i make such a huge and unbearable mistake? HOW COULD I? WHY WILL THIS HAPPEN DEAD TO ME? damn it. i always thought i ordered the right shirt from the right place. BUT. this time, i order from the right place. BUT. WRONG FUCKING DESIGN. damn it man. seriously damn it. and i meant, i dont mind getting the wrong design for myself due to my carelessness. BUT! ITS TOGETHER WITH MY FRIEND'S ONE. HOW AM I GOING TO RETURN THIS? shucks. im really a goondo who cant get things done smoothly. i should learn my lesson for now. always check, before everything proceed. now everything has been done. oh boy. ONE solution is the keep the shirt for my own wearing and return him the money he has paid, ANOTHER would be hoping he will accept the shirt for what it is and give me time to buy the shirt and give it to him as an apology. OH DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!! ok peoples. help me take a look out for this piece of design. if there is any stock of XL. LET ME KNOW. REGARDLESS OF PRICING NOT MORE THAN 120SGD will do. ![]() ![]() ![]() |