Monday, November 13, 2006
9:16 pm
Hard to be a human...
haha... yea... i partially freed for now.... still got 3 more papers... yoohooo... haha.... anyway no one reads... who cares.. haha... i just blog for the sake of fun, joy and laughter... hahahahahaha... yea.... its hard being a human.... indeed... especially when people mistaken u when u did nothing wrong... its really hard.... u will think it this way.... everything u do which is correct but somehow wrong to others and they assume u as doing the wrong thing... however when u did something right and people thinks that its wrong and u will get it straight... thats weird somehow.... this is wad people says.. human's nature... i wonder these natures of us is good or bad? it will lead to misconception within each individual.... thats really how human's nature works? hmmm.... this only god knows as we are all created by the CUTE Nv Wa... she created us and separate us into male and female... then later it create everything for procreation and soon it started the human era... but on the other side... we are not created by our CUTE Nv Wa as it is scientifically proven that we are the evolves of the apes... haha... we are MONKEYS! how cool is it... haha... yeps... we never know wad is right and wad is wrong... the only thing the earth as kindly gave us is the intelligence and the growing ups.... as u got more intell u will know wads right or wrong... but it somehow will lead us to do something which is even wrong... however the best part is the growing up... when u grow up u will know more as u grow up... just thought of it... when we are in the primary school... we tend to separate ourself to the opposite gender and just plainly stick to the same gender more often.. when a teacher put u to sit with a opposite gender... u will either separate ur desk away or just dun talk to them... another example is during PE.. when u PE teacher is in a good mood and introduce u to a dance... and u will have to partner an opposite gender classmate.... u will have the tendecy to just touch the classmate and the minimal and after the lesson u see everyone will rush all the way to the toilet and anticeptic their small hands... this is the fundamental when u are young... but however.. when u step up towards secondary... in the sec 1 sec 2... u will still be shy and scared just lyk primary schools... but when u slowly grow up... u will see that more are attracted to the opposite gender already.... there goes the start of BGRs and what so ever.... and slowly when u step into tertiary stage... u will start the "guys-watching' and "babes-watching"... u will forget about everything u did lyk in the primary school... soon after an relationship u will slowy get into real business lyk getting married and give birth to the future generation... all these are part and parcels of life... as u grow up u will know all this... haha... oh boy... i sounded so old... oh man.. i m a young person with an old mind... which i dun really know why.. haha great question brought up by QM today... she asked me.. "hmmm.. who do u think in class will have GF 1st when they step into poly..?" i have no comments on that... everything is hard to say... u can see most of them are overgrown babies... serious... i admit i sometimes acted really lyk a baby at home as i want laughter around in my house... and i can i bet with u that wherever got me, u will find laughter... being cold jokes or lame jokes... u will still laugh with the silly look on MY face... i can assured u for that... haha... yups... regarding that question i really have no comments bout that... cos everything in life is unpredictable... lyk wad i mentioned on top... humans do grow up... i really have to say that i grown up alot... i mean ALOT in this 5 yrs in CTSS... i really learnt alot of things about life as u can see.. i sounded so profound previously... haha... yups.... and i really have to admit that this bunch of people is growing up slowly.. i can still remember the time when me and my classmate"david" were the 1st styling our hair and always get caught by murali~~ oh my goodness.... haha.. and slowly each yr... until these yr where most of the people came over to ask how to tell the hair stylist to cut the way u had on ur head... okay~ i proud of it.... hahahahaha... yups... so everything is really unpredictable... haha... another question brought up by PF... she asked me wether i was informed about the event where silver ang went to... i told her nope.. her money which is own by another fan doesnt want to return despite her telling SA to tell the fan to return.. instead SA promised that fan and another to go to S.H.E concert... PF asked... "have our efforts and support in the start has gone into the drain..?" my word of advise to her is that u can not do anything except forget, forgive and start afresh.. and hopefully she can do it.... yups... the new superstars is born.. haha.. ok lar... voices is okay... but lookss... errr... i have no comments... i only support who deserves my support... ling yi and sheila.. ling yi is because shes quite friendly lar.. i talked to her in msn before.. but overall dun noe lar.. yups.. hmm.. her voice oso not bad.. for sheila becos she share the same surname as me... hahahaha! although there is one who share the same name as me.. but i not gonna support cos his voice really can not make it lar... lol...yea.... ![]() the one in yellow is ling yi and the one in white is sheila! hahaha
okay... after so much... i really have to thanks these people... 1st of all... my junior, linette.. haha.. her sms was this:[Dun scared lar. put in more more more effortfor this la. go sch ask teacher if u got anything duno. i oso like that. i'm doing my revision too. i duno anything stay bac and wait for cher to teach me. If there's a will there's a way. heard before right. Haha=>] this is before the maths paper when i said that i really can not as my maths is shit... haha... 2nd is one of outside friend, adelene.. yup her sms was this:[hey man, exams start 2days later! mathsmaths! i'm sure we can score, so all the way dude!] that was oso encouraging.. 3rd is my "mama",keriner... her sms was:[Dots.. Mama here la. you bored i acc u go gai gai ok. . trick question only one or two de. don worry so much..] that was when i was in the downest of all when i think i did badly fer da paper... 4th is jintong... dont have any of his sms... he just called and told me all the important points which indeed came out during the exams.. i salute him for that... 5th is Mrs Ali! she din blame me for my disturbance before geog paper by flooding her via sms.. she answer my quest slowly and detailed... indeed that helps alot! 6th is Mrs Wang! she really took her time off today to come back sch and held an consultation event where we dun noe anything can ask her.. yups! really appreciate for that.. i will take picture with her during prom and grad for sure.... same goes to mrs ali! last but not least.. to those who did wished my luck and encourage me throughout.. tag at the board if i missed you out k? but i doubt there is as no one reads... haha... thinks thats really all... after my long post i think i falling on my bed to ZzzZZzz soon haha! thats all folks and netizens! Peace Out!